Friday, March 6, 2009

Party of Five

There will be a new little Mitchell to love this Fall.


The Hall Family said...

Congrats girlie!

Kira said...

Yay, Sarah! That is FANTASTIC!!! Good for you. Hope the first trimester treats you well....

Julie said...

Congrats Sarah we are so happy for you both! I hope it goes smoothly but your pretty much a professional at this point right?? Love you guys!

Trevor, Caci, and Jace said...

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO stinkin' excited for you!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Good. You guys need to have lots of babies because they always turn out so dang beautiful. You are doing the world a great service, Matt and Sarah Mitchell. A great service, indeed.

Unknown said...

Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! Wow you guys are quick! I'm so happy for you guys!!

Liz's Blog said...

So happy for you!!!! Love you! Congrats!!!! XOXOO

Dan and Naomi Johnson said...

Congratulations, that is so awesome!!

The Pope Family said...

So Happy! I told you it would happen! Now lets just see if it's twins :)

Julie said...

Oh, how exciting! Congrats to you all!

Barbie and Craig said...

Hey! Congratulations on your new little bundle! I read this update a while ago, but I was feeding Porter and I can't type with one hand! (well...I can, but it's slow) SO, I'm back to say THAT'S AWESOME!!! Congratulations! xo

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Yes I finally learned how to look up a blog the next step I suppose is creating my own.